第四屆澳門職業英語比賽 The 4th Macao Vocational English Contest

  • 名稱:第四屆澳門職業英語比賽 The 4th Macao Vocational English Contest
  • 簡介

    主辦單位 Organiser

    澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心 Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM)

    合辦單位 (公開組)Co-organiser (General Public category)

    澳門勞工事務局 Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) 

    贊助單位 Sponsor

    培生教育出版亞洲有限公司 Pearson Education Asia Limited


    比賽目的 Objective


    To encourage practitioners in passenger transportation service to enhance their English skills, so as to support the sustainable development of Macao as the World Center of Tourism and Leisure.


    本屆比賽行業主題 Theme 

    客運服務職業英語 Vocational English for Passenger Transportation Service


    參賽組別及資格 Eligibility



    • 澳門中學及大專院校學生

    • 須提供全隊組員之有效學生證及身份證明文件副本


    • 年滿18歲的澳門居民或持有效外地僱員身份認別證之在澳工作人士(以2023年3月15日之年齡為準)

    • 每隊參賽隊伍必須至少有一名組員為澳門居民

    • 全隊組員均須提交有效之澳門身份證或外地僱員身份認別證副本

    • 可選擇以公司/機構名義參加,但短片須切合比賽主題,並且不能以宣傳公司/機構為主要內容 (注意:若因劇請需要而在短片中出現含有公司標誌的片段,累計時間不可多於30秒)。





    The contest is divided into two categories: “Students” and “General Public”

    “Students” category:

    • Students from secondary schools, colleges and universities in Macao

    • Each contestant needs to provide a copy of valid Macao Student Card and identity document

    “General Public” category:

    • Individuals working in Macao aged 18 or above as of March 15, 2023 (Macao residents and non-resident workers are both acceptable)
    • At least one of the team members is a Macao resident
    • Each contestant needs to provide a copy of Macao Resident Identity Card or valid Macao Non-resident Worker's Identification Card
    • Contestant(s) can choose to participate in the name of their company/organisation, but the video must carry the theme of the contest and promotion of the company/organisation cannot be the main purpose of the video (Note: If according to the story plot, there is a need for the company/organisation logo to appear in the video, the logo appearance is limited to a cumulative duration of no more than 30 seconds).

    Contestants can either participate on an individual or team basis (with a maximum of 5 team members).

    Each contestant/contesting team can participate in only one category.

    The contestant (or each contesting team MUST assign at least one team member) is required to participate in the Video Production Workshop, otherwise the contestant/contesting team will be disqualified from the contest and the organiser does not need to provide prior notice.


    作品規格 Specifications for the Video

    • 以智能手機、數碼相機或簡單攝錄器材錄製一段不多於5分鐘(包括片頭及片尾所有部份)的職業英語短片

    • 短片必須按本屆比賽指定的行業為主題,題材圍繞客運服務業從業員之日常工作所應用的職業英語

    • 短片的檔案大小不得超過1 GB,完成拍攝後以wmv/mpeg/mpeg2/mp4/mov/m4a格式存檔,並上載到自行開設的雲端儲存媒體或YouTube (非公開連結)以作遞交作品之用



    • Each contestant/contesting team is to record a short video (limit to 5 minutes in length) using smartphone, digital camera or other simple video recording devices (opening and end credits are considered as part of the duration of the video).

    • The content of the video must carry the theme of this edition of the contest, that is, Vocational English for Passenger Transportation Service.

    • The video submitted must be in the format of wmv/mpeg/mpeg2/mp4/mov/m4a. The file size must not exceed 1 GB. The video is to be uploaded onto a cloud storage system or YouTube (with private link).


    Note: If the submitted work does not meet the above specifications, the organiser reserves the right to disqualify the concerned contestant/contesting team without prior notice.


    作品要求 Entry Requirements

    • 短片內容形式不限,可以故事或教學等不同形式進行構思及創作

    • 短片必須顯示繁體中文及英文字幕

    • 參賽者/參賽隊伍需提供隊名、作品名稱及不多於100字的中文作品簡介

    • The style of content delivery (for example, through drama or teaching session etc.) is up to the choice of the contestant/contesting team.

    • The video must contain subtitles in both Traditional Chinese and English.

    • Each contestant/contesting team has to provide a team name, the title of the video and an introduction of the video within 100 words in Chinese.


    比賽講解會 Pre-Contest Briefing :






    Date and Time: Mar 1, 2023 (19:00-19:30)

    Venue: Macau CPTTM Head Office (Rua de Xangai 175, Ed. ACM., 7 andar Macau)

    Interested individuals should make a reservation via vqa@cpttm.org.mo on or before February 28, 2023, as seats are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.


    短片拍攝工作坊 Video Production Workshop︰




    Date and Time: Mar 18, 2023 (14:30-15:30)

    Venue: Macau CPTTM Head Office (Rua de Xangai 175, Ed. ACM., 7 andar Macau)


    獎項 Prizes


    金獎 - 獎座乙個、獎金澳門元5000及 PEIC教材一份

    銀獎 - 獎座乙個、獎金澳門元4000及PEIC教材一份

    銅獎 - 獎座乙個、獎金澳門元3000及 PEIC教材一份

    創意獎  - 獎座乙個、獎金澳門元2000及 PEIC教材一份





    One Gold, one Silver, one Bronze and one Creativity Award will be awarded to each category:

    Gold – A trophy and MOP 5,000 cash prize and one set of PEIC textbook

    Silver – A trophy and MOP 4,000 cash prize and one set of PEIC textbook

    Bronze – A trophy and MOP 3,000 cash prize and one set of PEIC textbook

    The Creativity Award – A trophy and MOP2,000 cash prize and one set of PEIC textbook

    (Note: The Creativity Award will not be awarded if there is no video entry that meets the evaluation score requirement.)

    Once the video entry has been confirmed as meeting the contest specifications, every contestant/member of a contesting team will be offered a free-on-charge registration in one “Pearson English International Certificate (PEIC) Test” (with a value of up to MOP 1,970) held on specified dates.


  • 報名方法

    先報名 » 後提交作品

    參賽者/參賽隊伍必須於2023年3月15日或之前進行網上報名(https://events.cpttm.org.mo/competition/173),並按要求將身份證明等文件電郵至vqa@cpttm.org.mo (電郵標題請註明“第四屆職業英語比賽”、參賽組別及隊名)。

    完成報名手續後,參賽者/參賽隊伍必須於2023年3月16日至4月12日期間,經電郵vqa@cpttm.org.mo提交1)參賽作品名稱、2)不多於100字的中文簡介及3)作品連結 (電郵標題請註明“第四屆職業英語比賽”作品提交及隊名)。除非主辦單位宣佈延長截止日期,否則逾期遞交之作品一概不獲接受。


    Enroll online, then submit the video

    Each contestant/contesting team is required to enroll online (https://events.cpttm.org.mo/competition/173) on or before March 15, 2023 and send the required documents to vqa@cpttm.org.mo (stating “The 4th Macao Vocational English Contest”, contest category and team name in the email subject).

    After enrollment, each contestant/contesting team is required to send 1)the video title, 2)introduction of the video within 100 words in Chinese and 3)the link of the video to vqa@cpttm.org.mo (stating “The 4th Macao Vocational English Contest” entry submission and team name in the email subject) within the period of March 16 to April 12, 2023. Unless the organiser has announced an extension of the deadline, no late submission will be accepted.



    Download Contest Specification for more details


  • 注意事項


    1. 參賽者/參賽隊伍必須承認及遵守本章程所有規定,如不符合規定,主辦單位有權取消其參賽資格。
    2. 參賽作品必須為參賽者/參賽隊伍親自構思及拍攝之原創作品,且沒有用以參加過其他比賽或活動,也未曾作過公開發表,一經發現,主辦單位將取消其參賽資格。
    3. 參賽作品不可涉及商業活動及宣傳,並確保影音內容不會侵犯他人的知識產權,若涉及違法違規行為,主辦單位有權取消其參賽資格,相關責任由參賽者/參賽隊伍自行承擔。
    4. 參賽者/參賽隊伍所遞交之所有資料,包括(但不限於)隊名、作品名稱、作品簡介及短片內容不得含有敏感話題如政治、色情、暴力血腥、歧視、恐怖、不雅以及任何違法違規之用語、內容及行為,一經發現,主辦單位有權取消其參賽資格,相關責任由參賽者/參賽隊伍自行承擔。
    5. 參賽作品一經遞交,不論獲獎與否,主辦單位將不會發還予參賽者/參賽隊伍;主辦單位將對有關作品具有版權和使用權、可視乎需要局部或全部用於宣傳用途,並有權將作品修訂、複製、發佈、展示、播放、推廣、上載至互聯網或作其他培訓用途,而無需事先通知參賽者/參賽隊伍及另付報酬。
    6. 若得獎者未滿18歲(以2023年3月15日之年齡為準),獎金必須由父母或監護人代領。
    7. 參賽者/參賽隊伍對評審委員會之決定不得異議。
    8. 主辦單位有權終止比賽及修改章程和比賽安排,並無需先行通知。
    9. 主辦單位保留對本章程及比賽結果之最終解釋權。



    1. Each contestant/contesting team must agree to abide by the terms and rules stated in this pamphlet; the organiser has the right to disqualify a team from the contest if a contestant/any member of a contesting team violates these terms and rules.
    2. All entries must be original works and produced exclusively by the contestants/contesting teams, and have not been published previously or submitted for other contests or activities; the organiser will disqualify the team from the contest if such violation is discovered.
    3. No entry can be involved in any business activity or publicity; the contestants/contesting teams must ensure that their entries do not infringe any intellectual property rights of other persons; for an entry that is found to have violated copyright legislation and other laws, the organiser has the right to disqualify the concerned contestant/contesting team from the contest, and the concerned contestant/contesting team will be solely responsible for the liability or claims arising thereof.
    4. All information submitted by a contestant/contesting team, including (but not limited to) the team name, title, introduction, and content of the video, shall not contain sensitive and indecent topics such as politics, sex, violence, discrimination, terrorism etc. and any violation of laws and regulations. Once discovered, the organiser reserves the right to disqualify the concerned contestant/contesting team from the contest, and the concerned contestant/contesting team will be solely responsible for the liability or claims arising thereof.
    5. Submitted works will not be returned to contestants/contesting teams, regardless whether they have won any prize or not; the copyright and the right of use of all entries belong to the organiser; the organiser can use the entries, in whole or in part, for promotion purpose, and has the right to modify, copy, display, play, promote, publish and upload (onto the internet) the entries, as well as to use them for training purpose, and no prior notice nor extra payment needs to be given to the contestants/contesting teams.
    6. If a winner is under the age of 18 as of March 15, 2023, the cash prize must be signed and collected by a parent or guardian.
    7. The decision of the judging panel on the results and rankings of the contest is final; no dispute can be raised by the contestants/contesting teams.
    8. The organiser reserves the right to terminate the contest or modify its terms, rules and arrangements without prior notice.
    9. The organiser reserves the right of final decision and interpretation of the terms and results of this contest.


    報名及查詢 For Enquiry

    澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心 – 標準、管理及培訓考試部(專業發展)

    電話:8898 0842(呂先生) / 8898 0851(黃小姐)



    Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM)

    Standards, Management, Training & Assessment Department (Professional Development)

    Tel: 8898 0842 (Mr Loi) / 8898 0851 (Ms Huang)

    Email: vqa@cpttm.org.mo