第15屆澳門時裝畫藝術比賽 (學生組) The 15th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest (Student Category)

  • Title:第15屆澳門時裝畫藝術比賽 (學生組) The 15th Macao Fashion Illustration Contest (Student Category)
  • Registration start:2024-05-09 09:00
  • Registration end:2024-07-01 17:30
  • Introduction


    Theme: Fashion Flourishes‧Back to 25 Years of Elegance



    Macau is a place full of unique culture and fashion charm. 2024 marks the year of celebration for the 25th anniversary of Macao’s return to China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, which is of great significance to the motherland, Macau and everyone. Let us draw the uniqueness of Macao delicately and express our love for Macao and our infinite feelings for the motherland.


    1. 學生組—2006年至2010年間出生的人士,並持有澳門居民身分證,現於日校或夜校就讀學生。

    Contestant & Qualification
    Open Category: Contestants must be born in 2005 or before, and holder of valid Macau ID card.


    1. 參賽作品必須為未公開發表的原創時裝畫,不得涉及知識產權或其他法律糾紛。如有發現,則視為無效稿件,取消參賽資格,並撤回一切獎項及獎金。
    2. 作品表現手法可使用手繪形式或電腦設計軟件(如:Adobe Illustrator或Photoshop)製作。
    3. 參賽作品不得使用人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)繪圖。如有發現,一經證實,則視為無效稿件,取消參賽資格,並撤回一切獎項及獎金。
    4. 參賽作品只接受實體稿件方式遞交。
    5. 參賽作品尺寸為A3紙 (297 mm x 420 mm,橫向/ 直向均可),作品尺寸不符合要求的,視為無效稿件。
    6. 參賽作品必須連同原創承諾書、報名表及身份證明文件副本放在A3透明L型文件夾內遞交。
    7. 不得在參賽作品上標示任何標記或簽名。
    8. 提交之實物作品必須保持平整,不可使用黏合劑裝裱作品。如以郵寄方式投稿,不接納使用卷筒包裹,作品尺寸及裝裱不符合要求的,視為無效稿件。
    9. 參賽作品若以電腦方式繪製,在遞交作品實物時,亦需把作品電子檔AI/PSD/JPG格式(像素不少於300dpi)電郵至fashionpromo@cpttm.org.mo,並於電郵註明姓名、組別、作品名稱。
    10. 參賽者在設計上須注意繪畫服裝的可穿性及實用性。

    Contest Requirement

    1. Each piece of entry must be originally created by the participant. The entry must have never been published and must not be involved in any infringement of intellectual property rights or other legal dispute, otherwise it will not be considered eligible and the prize and trophy will be forfeited.
    2. Hand-drawing and graphic design software are both available, eg. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
    3. Drawing by the Artificial Intelligence is NOT allowed, otherwise it will not be considered eligible and the prize and trophy will be forfeited.
    4. Entries can only be submitted in physical way.
    5. Size of the entry must be A3 size (297mm x 420mm and page orientation can be portrait or landscape). Entries not conforming to size requirement will not be considered.
    6. Submitted entries must be put inside an A3 L-shape transparent folder with the pledge of originality, registration form and copy of the identity document.
    7. No marks or signatures are allowed on the entries.
    8. The submitted entry must be kept flat and cannot be mounted using adhesive. If the entry is submitted by mail, entries contained in cardboard tube packaging will not be accepted. Entries not conforming to size and mounting requirements will not be considered.
    9. If entry is a computer illustration, please submit together with a computer file in JPEG (pixel no less than 300dpi), AI format oe PSD format and e-mail to fashionpromo@cpttm.org,mo. The name, category and theme of the entry should be indicated in the e-mail.
    10. Participants must consider the practicality and wearability of the piece of work.


    冠軍1名 獎金MOP 1,500連證書及獎盃;
    亞軍1名 獎金MOP 1,200連證書及獎盃;
    季軍1名 獎金MOP 1,000連證書及獎盃;
    優秀獎6名 頒發證書及獎盃。


    Student Category
    1 x Champion – MOP1,500.00 Cash Award with a Certificate of Accomplishment, and a Trophy﹔
    1 x Frist Runner-up – MOP1,200.00 Cash Award with a Certificate of Accomplishment, and a Trophy﹔
    1 x Second Runner-up – MOP1,000.00 Cash Award with a Certificate of Accomplishment, and a Trophy﹔
    6 x Excellence Award – A Certificate of Accomplishment and a Trophy for each participant.

    * Note: The cash award must be collected by a guardian if the winner is under 18 years old.

  • How to enroll

    1. 參賽者可先瀏覽https://events.cpttm.org.mo填寫個人資料及參賽作品主題,進行網上報名。
    2. 澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心將於2024年5月份舉辦“時裝畫描繪技巧分享工作坊”,歡迎有興趣人士瀏覽https://events.cpttm.org.mo 報名參加。
    3. 截稿日期為2024年6月28日(星期五)下午5時30分,郵寄參賽作品以郵發地郵戳為准。
    4. 交稿地點為澳門漁翁街海洋工業中心第二期十樓“澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心—成衣技術匯點”收。
    5. 參賽者投稿數量不限,每份作品只限1人報名。每位參賽者最多可獲取獎項兩個,且冠、亞、季軍得獎者不得重覆。
    6. 評審後入圍作品將進行公示一周,如對入圍作品有任何疑惑或違規舉報信息,請在公示期內電郵至fashionpromo@cpttm.org.mo,逾期無效。
    7. 參賽者如需申請紀念狀,請在報名表上註明。
    8. 獲獎作品收藏歸主辦單位所有,主辦單位有權宣傳、出版、展示全部參賽作品及製作紀念品之用。
    9. 主辦單位將於工作坊、培訓班、頒獎禮進行拍攝及錄影,有關之拍攝相片及錄影片段,主辦單位有權用作日後推廣及宣傳之用。
    10. 主辦單位對比賽的規則、細則及結果保留最終決定權。

    Terms & Conditions
    1. Participants can apply online by visiting http://events.cpttm.org.mo and entering personal information and the theme for each entry.
    2. Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) will hold a “Fashion Sketching Techniques Workshop” at the House of Apparel Technology in May 2024. Welcome to apply via https://events.cpttm.org.mo.
    3. The deadline for submission is 17:30 on 28th June 2024 (Tuesday). Entries submitted by mail are subject to the postmark of the place of posting.
    4. Please submit the entry to CPTTM-The House of Apparel Technology.
    5. Each participant can submit unlimited number of entries. However, each of the entry can only be created by one author. Each participant can obtain a maximum of two awards, and the Champion, First Runner-up, Second Runner-up may not be the same participant.
    6. The shortlisted entries will be in announcement for one week after the judging session. If a participant has any questions about the shortlisted entries or violation reporting information, please e-mail to fashionpromo@cpttm.org.mo during the announcement period.
    7. Participants can indicate on the application form if commemorative certificate is required.
    8. Awarded entries shall be kept by the organizer. The organizer has the rights to promote, exhibit and make it as souvenir purpose at its own discretion.
    9. The organizer will take photos and videos in workshops and awarding ceremony. The organizer has the right to use the relevant photos and video clips for the further promotion.
    10. CPTTM reserves the right to amend, change, interpret and cancel the contest.



    Judging Process
    Judging Panel:
    The Judging Panel will consist of several fashion designers, illustration experts, and artists.

    繪畫技巧 30%
    色彩運用及畫面構圖 25%
    貼題性 15%
    創意性 15%
    實用性 15%

    Judging Standards:
    Drawing technique 30%
    Technique of using colour & composition 25%
    To be matched the theme 15%
    Creativity 15%
    Practicality 15%


    *原創承諾書 Pledge of Originality︰下載 Download

  • Notes

    頒獎禮:7月25日,晚上7:00-8:00 (待定)

    • Submit the Entries to CPTTM: By the day – 28th June 2024 (before 17:30)
    • Judging Session: Early July, 2024
    • Announcement Period: Middle July, 2024
    • Prize Notification: Middle July, 2024
    • Awarding Ceremony: 25th July, 2024 (Tentative)
    • Art Work Exhibition: 26th July, 2024 – 9th August (Tentative)


    澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心 - 成衣技術匯點
    電話:(853) 8898 0701
    傳真:(853) 2831 2079

    Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center – The House of Apparel Technology
    Address: Rua dos Pescadores, Edf. Industrial Ocean, Fase II, 10-Andar, Macau
    Tel: (853) 8898 0701
    Contact Person: Ms. Kylie Chan or Ms. Jovi Tai
    Email: fashionpromo@cpttm.org.mo
    Fax: (853) 2831 2079
    Website: www.cpttm.org.mo