評分標準: 符合主題 - 30%; 設計理念 - 20%; 創新思維 ﹣20%; 色彩搭配 - 10%; 整體美感 - 10%; 用料選材 - 10%
獎金及獎項: 冠軍1名:獎金澳門幣八仟八佰圓整(MOP8,800),頒發證書;
To promote Macao’s cultural and creative industries, as well as to create business opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including “Micro Enterprise, “Made in Macao” and “Young Entrepreneur” of Macao, Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A. (SJM), Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) and Macao Chamber of Commerce (ACM) jointly organise the “Grand Lisboa Palace” Dealer Uniform Design Contest. The Contest offers Macao people an opportunity to showcase their design talent, while supporting the government’s initiative to encourage procurement from local suppliers, as well as provide development opportunities for Macao’s SMEs. (Remark: Judges of the contest and their family members are not allowed to participate as contestant.)
Judging Criteria: Conformity to the theme - 30% ; Design concept - 20% ; Creativity - 20% ; Use of colours - 10% ; Aesthetics - 10% ; Use of materials - 10%
Awards and Prizes: First Prize Winner: MOP8,800 and an Award Certificate
Second Prize Winner: MOP6,800 and an Award Certificate
Third Prize Winner: MOP4,800 and an Award Certificate
Eight (8) Excellence Awards, including the First, Second, and Third Prize Winners, each receives MOP1,000 and an Award Certificate
**Remark: Prizes and award certificates will be presented to the winners by SJM**
網上網名/Online application:https://events.cpttm.org.mo
Submission location: CPTTM House of Apparel Technology
1. 每份參賽作品僅限一人登記報名,截止遞交設計作品日期為2016 年9 月19 日晚上 8時。
2. 每位參賽者提交作品數量不限;比賽設入圍獎8名及冠、亞、季軍各1名,合共11個獎項,每位參賽者最多僅能獲取2個獎項,且冠、亞、季軍的得獎者不得重覆;
3. 參賽作品必須為個人創作,不得抄襲他人作品,且參賽作品不能重覆參加其他公開 比賽或曾於媒體上發表;
4. 參賽作品嚴禁渲染色情和暴力訊息,且不得涉及宗教成份;
5. 澳門博彩股份有限公司將於2016年8月13日早上11時至12時於新葡京舉辦 「上葡京」荷官制服設計比賽講解會,由澳門博彩股份有限公司代表介紹「上葡京」項目,並參觀位於新葡京大堂的模型,以供參賽者了解「上葡京」的設計特色及主題,讓參賽者在設計中加入有關元素,使制服可與建築物或設計等配合,呈現一體化之景象,參賽者可於報名表自由選擇出席講解會;
6. 不遵守比賽規則之參賽者,將有可能被取消資格;
7. 所有參賽設計圖檔及制服樣版等均屬澳門博彩股份有限公司擁有,所有參賽作品一 經遞交後恕不退回。此外,澳門博彩股份有限公司有權因應實際需要而對獲獎制服在生產時進行適當的修改;
8. 比賽的主辦方將保留一切刊登和展出作品的權利,並有權以任何形式將有關照片及影片複製使用,而無須付予任何版權費用給予參賽者;
9. 比賽的主辦方有權按需要作任何修改及解釋此活動的內容,並對比賽結果保留最終之決定權。
Terms & Conditions
1. Each entry can only be registered to one contestant. Deadline for submission of entry is 8:00 pm on 19th September 2016.
2. There is no limit to how many entries each contestant can submit. There will be a total of eleven (11) prizes, including prizes for eight (8) semi-finalists and one (1) prize each for the First, Second, and Third Prize winners. Each contestant can be awarded a maximum of two prizes. The First, Second, and Third Prize winners cannot be the same contestant.
3. Each entry must be an original design by an individual and it cannot be a copy of another person’s creation. Moreover, the entry cannot be a creation that has already been submitted to another open contest or has been published by media.
4. Entries promoting pornographic or violent messages are strictly prohibited. Entries should also avoid any religious content.
5. SJM will organise a briefing session on the “Grand Lisboa Palace” Dealer Uniform Design Contest from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon on 13th August 2016 at Grand Lisboa. SJM’s representatives will introduce the “Grand Lisboa Palace” project and its architectural model at the Grand Lisboa Hotel lobby to deepen the contestants’ understanding of the theme and concept of the project, allowing them to incorporate relevant elements into the uniform design. Contestants can indicate whether they wish to attend the briefing session on the application form.
6. Contestants who fail to comply with the contest’s rules may be disqualified.
7. SJM has the ownership of all the submitted designs and samples. All submitted entries will not be returned to the contestants. SJM has the right to make appropriate changes to the design of the winning entries based on practical considerations for the uniform manufacturing.
8. The contest organisers reserve the right to publish or exhibit the entries as well as the right to copy or use the related photographs and videos of the contest in any way or form without having to pay any loyalty fee to the contestants.
9. The organizers have the right to make any changes or explanation on the content as deemed necessary. The organisers also have the right to make the final decisions on the results of the contest.