
  • 名稱:第三屆網絡微課設計大賽
  • 報名開始:2018-03-01 00:00
  • 報名截止:2018-06-02 00:00
  • 簡介



    Background of Competition

    To inherit the 2nd Web-based Micro-lesson Design Competition. This year, the 3rd competition is still surround teaching sharing about Macau as an International Tourism City. The topic of competition is Macau Gastronomy. In order for people to interested in familiar food and having a deep understanding. Participant need to collect and share history, culture or allusions about famous food in Macau.




    What is micro-lesson?

    Micro-lesson consists of teaching videos those are a few minutes to over ten minutes. Nowadays, video sharing on internet has become the world trend. There are many professional teaching videos of micro-lesson on the internet. Relative to traditional teaching. micro-lesson is not limited by time, place and age. Micro-lesson also can adjust the learning progress as needed. Most of videos are public and free. In such an era that personal learning and education informatization are emphasized. Micro-lesson not only favored by young people, but also has an indispensable role in the education circles.



    • 增加公眾對澳門歷史及飲食文化的了解;
    • 推動澳門教學信息化的發展;
    • 豐富與澳門本土有關的教材內容。


    • To increase public understanding of Macau's history and diet culture
    • To advance the development of education informatization in Macau.
    • To enrich teaching material those are Macau-related.



    主辦單位:澳門生產力暨科技轉移中心 澳門教育發展研究學會




    Macao Productivity and Technology Transfer Center

    Macao Education Development Research Association

    New H3C Technologies Co.
    MTel Telecommunication Company Limited.
    Green-cyc technology Limited

    Support Units

    Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT)
    Macao Computer Society
    Macao Association for Historical Education
    Associação De Experiência De Cidade Da Gastronomia De Macau




    Introduce the history, culture or allusions of some well-known cuisines in Macau






    Middle school group : All middle school students are welcomed.

    Open group : Techers, students and sectors of all ages are welcomed.

    Entrant could enter the competition individually or in a team. And at least one member in the team should be a resident of Macao.


  • 報名方法




    Competition timeline

    Period of collection: March 1st, 2018 - May 31st, 2018

    Period of selection: June 1st, 2018 - June 15th, 2018



    1. 選題要簡明,內容須合乎事實、結構完整、邏輯清晰,使用規範的技術和語言,達到目標教學且形式新穎、精彩有趣;
    2. 微課視頻要有片頭片尾,顯示標題、作者、工作/學習單位等主要信息;主要教學內容和環節有字幕提示或說明;
    3. 微課視頻須為MP4、MPEG、WMV等一般個人電腦能播放的格式,時長一般爲5分鐘,最長不超過8分鐘。


    1. Concise topic, in line with facts, complete structure, clear logic, use of normative technology and language. To achieve the goal of teaching. Also the Micro-lesson should be novel and interesting;
    2. The video should have a trailer, showing the title, author, work / study unit and other key information; main teaching content and links have subtitles tips or instructions
    3. The video should be MP4,MPEG,WMV or any playable formats. Video length is generally 5 minutes, no more than 8 minutes



    1. 首先於網絡影片平台YouTube或Vimeo等上傳並設定「公開分享」影片。
    2. 分享後於https://events.cpttm.org.mo/ 填寫網上報名表格。
    3. 報名表提交截止日期:2018年5月31日


    Step 1:Upload the entry on video-sharing websites YouTube or Vimeo or the like and set it as "public"

    Step 2:Fill in the application form at https://events.cpttm.org.mo before May 31st, 2018



    1. 由組委會組織各合辦機構代表及澳門餐飲業界相關專家進行微課評審工作。
    2. 評審結果將於2018年6月上旬公佈。


    The Judge include CPTTM , MEDRA and relevant professionals in the catering industry in Macau

    The result will be announced in early June 2018



    一等獎: MOP 8,000 + 獎盃 + Mtel現金券 700元

    二等獎: MOP 5,000 + 獎盃 + Mtel現金券 500元

    三等獎: MOP 3,000 + 獎盃 + Mtel現金券 300元

    優異獎五份: MOP 1,000 + Mtel現金券 200元


    1st prize    MOP 8,000 + Trophy + Mtel coupon MOP 700

    2nd prize    MOP 5,000 + Trophy + Mtel coupon MOP 500

    3rd prize    MOP 3,000 + Trophy + Mtel coupon MOP 300

    Five Merits  MOP 1,000 + Mtel coupon MOP 200


  • 注意事項


    1. 組委會對比賽結果有最終決定權及解釋權,參賽者並不享有對結果上訴之權利。
    2. 獲獎作品的作者享有作品的著作權,且同意授權組委會在全澳教育機構及旅遊景點進行相關宣傳和推廣活動中使用該作品。
    3. 參評的微課及相關材料必須爲本人原創,不得抄襲他人作品,侵害他人版權。組委會在評審前將先對作品進行檢查,如發現抄襲現象,將取消參評資格。


    1. Organizing Committee has the final decision on the results of the competition and the power of interpretation, the participants have no right to appeal the results 

    2. The author of the winning micro-lesson owns the copyright of it, and authorizes the Organizing Committee to use it for publicity in Macao educational institutions and tourist attractions. 

    3. Micro-lesson and related materials must be original, not copy other works, infringes the copyright of others. Organizing Committee will review the work before selection, if found plagiarism, will be disqualified.



    聯 系 人:戴先生

    聯繫電話:8898 0829


    網  站:https://events.cpttm.org.mo/


    E-mail: kennis@cpttm.org.mo

    Website: www.cpttm.org.mo

    Tel: 88980829 Mr.Tai