Fashion Sketching Techniques Workshop (Portuguese Session)

  • 名稱:Fashion Sketching Techniques Workshop (Portuguese Session)
  • 主辦單位:CPTTM
  • 費用:免費
  • 日期及時間:2023/05/30 19:30 - 21:00
  • 地點:House of Apparel Technology (Rua dos Pescadores, Ed. Ind. Ocean, Fase II, 10 andar)
  • 名額:50人
  • 狀況:已經截止
  • 簡介


    Introduce the definition and classification of fashion illustration.
    The painting medium of fashion illustration (such as the application of pigments, drawing technique) and characteristic style.
    Introduce the theme of contest in this year, installation requirements and considerations of the entries.

  • 登記方法



    House of Apparel Technology
    Rua dos Pescadores, Ed. Ind. Ocean, Fase II, 10 andar

    Tel: (853) 8898 0701 Fax: (853) 2831 2079